End date: September 18, 2016
Goals Completed: 39/101
Save $11 for every completed goal (109/1111)
Go 1 month without buying any unnecessary items (0/30)
Get emergency fund to goal
Shop with coupons for a month
Make a budget and stick to it for 3 months (0/3)
Wear an outfit that is completely one color(monotone)
Keep my toes 'done' for one summer
Bake 10 desserts on my own(2/10) Chocolate chip cookies from scratch on 1/10/13, brownies
Open a cookbook to a random page and make whatever comes up
cook My Love his favorite meal
See all of Audrey Hepburn movies (The Unforgiven)
See all Marilyn Monroe Movies (How To Marry A Millionaire, Monkey Business, River Of No Return)
Read my height in books
Make a playlist of 101 of my favorite songs
See 10 concerts/shows (2/10) Emancipator Ensemble, The Hold Steady
Watch 26 movies one for each letter of the alphabet (19/26) Admission, The Book Thief, Croods, Devil's Pass, Elysium,Flowers In The Attic, How To Marry A Millionaire, In Her Skin, Killing Season, Lawless, Monkey Business,Overnight, Paradise, River Of No Return, The Spectacular Now,Toad Road, Underdog: The Julian Assange Story, Would You Rather
Go ziplining
Go snowboarding/skiing
Ride a horse
Visit Mammoth Cave
Stay in the Wigwam camp
Visit all the distilleries on Bourbon Trail
Get a passport
Go ice skating
Visit 5 musuems(4/5) Frazier History Musuem(2/17) (Cincinatti Tri Musuems)
Throw a dart at a map and go where it lands
Travel to a foreign country
Have a girls weekend
Complete a 365 day photo challenge
Use your DSLR at least once a week in a month
Take 100 polaroids
Take a picture of each letter of the alphabet
Take a picture of the same place every month for a year and then turn it into a calendar(Have to start by Sept 2015)
Sell a photograph
Photograph a sunrise
Write my name in the sand
Tie a secret to a balloon and let it go
Leave a note inside a book for someone to find
Send a message in a bottle
Learn calligraphy
Finish the 642 book
Carve my name in a tree
Put 5 surprise notes in Gage's lunch(0/5)
Pay for someone else's food behind me in the drive-thru
Compliment someone everyday for a week
Send a note of appreciation
Participate in the Angel Tree
Buy a small gift for someone just because
Contribute to someone else's charity of choice
Send anonymous flowers to someone
Make a stepping stone
Build a blanket fort and sleep in it
Participate in a 5k
Go to a hookah bar
Learn to play chess
Create and celebrate our own family holiday
Take a class
Quit smoking
Achieve my personal weight goal
Work out for 30 days straight(0/30)
Try 3 new types of tea (2/3) (Monkey Picked Oolong) (black tea)
This is an awesome list - what a great idea!