I have always wanted to do the Rory Gilmore Book Challenge but didn't think I would ever do it. I'm not the greatest at sticking to a project. However, with many thanks to goodreads I have now read two books from the book challenge. Every month I get an email from a goodreads group for the RGBC. They have one book a month. So, it gives me plenty of time to read that book and my other books and I don't feel so overwhelmed with doing the RGBC at once. I think this is an excellent plan and I can't wait to see how many books I can get through.
Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Monday, December 15, 2014
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Book Club
I crossed another one off the list. The big list of 101 in 1001 days. I did it. Put that check mark beside that goal. Smile...and don't forget to add $11.
I joined a book club.
We haven't had a meeting yet but I've already dived in a finished the book of the month. Now I am anxiously awaiting for the first meeting. There are a couple of things I hadn't expected to come from joining a book club but now I am exciting even more that this was a goal on my list.
I'm exciting to read books that I never would have thought about reading. I am also excited to meet a few people who share my love of books and hopefully become fast friends with them.
The first book in my book club experience is Shades Of Grey by Jasper Fforde. It has nothing to do with the popular book 50 shades of grey(but that was a fun read!). It was a really interesting book and one that I had never heard of. I think I really like the author and from what I can tell from reviews and such all of his other books are just as good.
Starting the book is like drowning in the deep end of the pool. You don't know what is happening and you start to panic. Panic that you just paid for a book that you can't even make heads or tails of. Everything is so imaginative and new. Shortly after starting everything feels normal and everything he is writing feels like you've heard your whole life. Almost like you are floating across the water now and ready to sun bathe for hours.
Sometimes life can feel that way, too.
I joined a book club.
We haven't had a meeting yet but I've already dived in a finished the book of the month. Now I am anxiously awaiting for the first meeting. There are a couple of things I hadn't expected to come from joining a book club but now I am exciting even more that this was a goal on my list.
I'm exciting to read books that I never would have thought about reading. I am also excited to meet a few people who share my love of books and hopefully become fast friends with them.
The first book in my book club experience is Shades Of Grey by Jasper Fforde. It has nothing to do with the popular book 50 shades of grey(but that was a fun read!). It was a really interesting book and one that I had never heard of. I think I really like the author and from what I can tell from reviews and such all of his other books are just as good.
Starting the book is like drowning in the deep end of the pool. You don't know what is happening and you start to panic. Panic that you just paid for a book that you can't even make heads or tails of. Everything is so imaginative and new. Shortly after starting everything feels normal and everything he is writing feels like you've heard your whole life. Almost like you are floating across the water now and ready to sun bathe for hours.
Sometimes life can feel that way, too.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Happenin' Life
I'm watching the sun set. The day is almost over. It was a pretty normal day for me. I'm sitting here watching the sun set and pondering about my life. Oh, yes, it is that kind of day.
If I had to answer the question 'Is your life moving forward, backward or on hold?', I think I would have a hard time deciding between the three. I'd like to say my life is moving forward. Who doesn't want that? It some ways it definitely is. There are a lot of changes happening. Good changes. Exciting changes. Who wants their life to move backward? I don't know. Maybe moving backward doesn't have to be a bad thing all the time. Just taking a step back and changing directions. Some of the things going on in my life I never thought would happen. I've worked hard and are those things over for now? Maybe but maybe it is just a new journey starting. Is on hold bad? It sounds pretty nice. For things to just not change. To just be.
I don't know if my life is moving forward, backward, or on hold.
I do know that life is definitely happening, though.
If I had to answer the question 'Is your life moving forward, backward or on hold?', I think I would have a hard time deciding between the three. I'd like to say my life is moving forward. Who doesn't want that? It some ways it definitely is. There are a lot of changes happening. Good changes. Exciting changes. Who wants their life to move backward? I don't know. Maybe moving backward doesn't have to be a bad thing all the time. Just taking a step back and changing directions. Some of the things going on in my life I never thought would happen. I've worked hard and are those things over for now? Maybe but maybe it is just a new journey starting. Is on hold bad? It sounds pretty nice. For things to just not change. To just be.
I don't know if my life is moving forward, backward, or on hold.
I do know that life is definitely happening, though.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Good, Bad, And Ugly
At least once a week(but usually more) someone makes the comment that I drive pretty far to get to work from where I live. It definitely isn't right down the street. I have to leave a little earlier and I get home a little later than most of my coworkers.
I'm okay with this.
The drive is Meagan time. The drive is thinking time. The drive is praying time. The drive is singing loudly time. The drive is just nice before the craziness of the work day starts and before the night time rituals of the house start.
Lately, I haven't been singing loudly in my drive. In fact, I sometimes don't even turn the music on. The drive has been used for much needed thinking time. I've had a lot to think about lately. My life in its current state, my future, the what if's, the could haves's, and the should have's. Most of the time even by the time my drive is over I still haven't finished what is swirling around in my head.
The good news is I get to do it all over again the next day.
Eventually, I will figure it all out.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
I'm okay with this.
The drive is Meagan time. The drive is thinking time. The drive is praying time. The drive is singing loudly time. The drive is just nice before the craziness of the work day starts and before the night time rituals of the house start.
Lately, I haven't been singing loudly in my drive. In fact, I sometimes don't even turn the music on. The drive has been used for much needed thinking time. I've had a lot to think about lately. My life in its current state, my future, the what if's, the could haves's, and the should have's. Most of the time even by the time my drive is over I still haven't finished what is swirling around in my head.
The good news is I get to do it all over again the next day.
Eventually, I will figure it all out.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Over time
Years from now I might not remember exactly what happened today. I might not remember what happened yesterday or the day before. Next week. Next month. Those times build up, though. The little things become a big thing after some time.
I might not remember exactly what me and my boyfriend did on our dates. Over time I will only remember we have went on lots of dates. I will remember how wonderful they felt. I will know that they built our relationship into something bigger.
I might not remember all the fun things I have done with my son. All the little things. All the big things. Over time I will just remember the fun as a whole. I hope that is what he will remember, too.
I don't necessarily want to remember the bad things in my life. They are apart of life, however. I don't want to remember the pokes, prods, and tears. I don't want my son to remember that either. Over time I just want him to remember that I was there for him.
Over time, the little things we do each day might fade away but they become so much bigger.
I might not remember exactly what me and my boyfriend did on our dates. Over time I will only remember we have went on lots of dates. I will remember how wonderful they felt. I will know that they built our relationship into something bigger.
I might not remember all the fun things I have done with my son. All the little things. All the big things. Over time I will just remember the fun as a whole. I hope that is what he will remember, too.
I don't necessarily want to remember the bad things in my life. They are apart of life, however. I don't want to remember the pokes, prods, and tears. I don't want my son to remember that either. Over time I just want him to remember that I was there for him.
Over time, the little things we do each day might fade away but they become so much bigger.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Today is the first day of Spring. I have to say I'm really excited about its official start more than I have ever have been in years past. It is probably because this has been a long icy winter and I'm over it. Just over it.
I'm craving rain and flowers, sandals and pedicures and walking outside and not needing a heavy jacket.
The first day of Spring sounds refreshing.
I'm enamored with Spring already and it has just started.
I'm craving rain and flowers, sandals and pedicures and walking outside and not needing a heavy jacket.
The first day of Spring sounds refreshing.
I'm enamored with Spring already and it has just started.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
If I was a plant I think I would be a....
A dandelion.
A weed but a very pretty one.
You can try to get rid of it but it keeps coming back. It is strong and doesn't give up. It is pretty. When you see a field of yellow dandelions, you don't see weeds you see pretty yellow flowers. When the dandelions are whit they are just as pretty and are ready to begin the process again. Dandelions are useful. You can eat them. I never have before but you can. You can boil the leaves of a dandelion. They are good in a salad, supposedly. You can make tea of out them. You can make wine out of them. That is more up my alley. Dandelion wine. That sounds excellent. They have lots of vitamins and are quite healthy. It can strengthen the whole body.
Yep, I would definitely be a dandelion.
A dandelion.
A weed but a very pretty one.
You can try to get rid of it but it keeps coming back. It is strong and doesn't give up. It is pretty. When you see a field of yellow dandelions, you don't see weeds you see pretty yellow flowers. When the dandelions are whit they are just as pretty and are ready to begin the process again. Dandelions are useful. You can eat them. I never have before but you can. You can boil the leaves of a dandelion. They are good in a salad, supposedly. You can make tea of out them. You can make wine out of them. That is more up my alley. Dandelion wine. That sounds excellent. They have lots of vitamins and are quite healthy. It can strengthen the whole body.
Yep, I would definitely be a dandelion.
Friday, March 14, 2014
And Now I Owe Myself Twenty-Two Dollars
Sometimes I don't even plan to do some of the goals on my list. Sometimes they just happen.
Driving around, it dawned on me that it was Pi day! 3.14. There is only one day to celebrate that day! Eat pie! It also happens to be a goal on my 101 list. I would have loved to make a pie to celebrate the day but I had to settle for getting a hershey sundae pie from BK. It was delish...
On the same day, I was at the mall with my loves and we walked by a photobooth! One of my goals is to do a photobooth picture! Of course, we did it! I love photobooth pictures. You can strike quite a few poses and you have a sweet souvenir to always remember.
and now I owe myself 22 for completing 2 goals!
Driving around, it dawned on me that it was Pi day! 3.14. There is only one day to celebrate that day! Eat pie! It also happens to be a goal on my 101 list. I would have loved to make a pie to celebrate the day but I had to settle for getting a hershey sundae pie from BK. It was delish...
On the same day, I was at the mall with my loves and we walked by a photobooth! One of my goals is to do a photobooth picture! Of course, we did it! I love photobooth pictures. You can strike quite a few poses and you have a sweet souvenir to always remember.
and now I owe myself 22 for completing 2 goals!
Monday, March 10, 2014
I was searching in my room for something that I couldn't remember where I put it. It had been so long since the last time I used it and I'm not the most organized person, anyway. I didn't actually have to search very long. Thank God. Yes, Thank you, God. I was searching for my bible...
A sad thought passed over that it had been so long since I have seen my bible that I had no clue where it was but a happy thought washed over the sad one quickly. I needed my bible and I found it right away. There is probably something amazing in that. I needed my bible because the next morning I was heading to church.
I haven't been to church in years. I haven't used my bible in years. I haven't been the best Christian in years.
For not being a morning person, I woke up excited but nervous on Sunday morning. Excited and nervous to go to church years after not going. Excited and nervous at being at a church I had never been to before. Excited and nervous to FEEL that feeling(or not feel it) that I use to get at church.
Excited and nervous, definitely.
I had been searching for my bible that Saturday night but I had been searching for something else much longer.
I think I found that again, too.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Gift Shop Book
I'm a sucker for gift shops. I know that most of the things in there are nothing that I actually need but I can't help myself. I get sucked in. I totally needed little porcelain bird salt and pepper shakers, the record player that has Christmas music, the frog squirting water, the pens, notebooks, books. Oh my. They are all scream at me to buy them or at least admire them.
One book in a gift shop recently caught my big blue eyes and I had to have it. It was a cutesy book about love and I was on a date. I just had to have it.
One book in a gift shop recently caught my big blue eyes and I had to have it. It was a cutesy book about love and I was on a date. I just had to have it.
Me and the boyfriend read this book together. I read a few pages and then he read a few pages. It was so strange that everything we read it was fitting for us to read it and not necessarily the other way around. I don't know how that was possible at all but it was really beautiful reading the book together.
Reading a book together just so happens to be one of my 101 goals on my list. I didn't actually mean read a book together like we did. I kinda thought we would pick a book and read it separately and talk about it. Very strange that we did this goal totally...by the book.
This just made me love and appreciate gift shops even more. You never know what you are going to find.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Reading My Height In Books
Almost too many books for me to carry like this anymore. All in all I have read 15 books since starting this goal of reading my height in books. There are 2 books not in this pictured. I felt like I've read more but even thinking about 15 books in 2 months. Wow. I'd say that is quite a lot of books. Many more to go!
I've read 5 books since the last time I updated. Here are 3 of the 5.
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me by Mindy Kaling
This was a fun easy read. I mean I read it in hours. It was funny. Mindy Kaling is funny. I knew that she wouldn't disappoint. I'd recommend this book to someone who really doesn't like to read as much as I do. I can see that type of reader enjoying this book. This also would be a good book for a plane ride or a short road trip or a beach day(I don't know what those are but some people are lucky!).
Love Saves The Day by Gwen Cooper
Oh, this sweet book. Sweet little book. It is written from a cats perspective(for the most part). It is adorable the way the cat, Prudence, sees the world. It actually was a sad story with a very happy ending. I'm a sucker for happy endings. I would have been very upset if the book didn't end happy. This is a wonderfully cute book. If you are a cat lover, go read it!
Dark Places by Gillian Flynn
Have you read Gone Girl? This is by the same author. I don't know if I like the book or not. It wasn't a bad book. In fact it was a decent book. It just didn't leave any lasting impressions on me. The plot of the book actually could have gone a few ways and once it didn't go the way I wanted to start to rewrite it! Hah. If there is a big thunderstorm coming up, I think I would light a few candles, grab a blanket, and curl up with this murder mystery book. See? That doesn't sound bad.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Goal List Money
I have been whipping out my goals on my 101 in 1001 goal list. Maybe 9 doesn't seem like a lot when you think about having 101 but I really feel like I have accomplished a lot! On top of the 9 completed I have so many that are in progress. I tried to do 101 in 1001 a few years ago and I never came close to completing it. It is a wonderful feeling getting things done from the list!
Some of my goals are fun and light hearted while others are more challenging. I didn't want it to be a list that felt like a chore. I'm right! This list has been fun! Even the challenging ones are fun!
Kind of...
One goal I didn't think I would actually have any problems with is saving 11 dollars for every goal completed. I guess I just assumed the goals wouldn't be completed like BAM BAM BAM! I'm really lucky that because of my job I always have cash on hand but even so handing over $99 in the first 2 months was hard to do! I could have gotten a shirt on clearance, a new coffee mug, a delicious frappe, or something else but off the money went into a envelope marked "Goal List Money".
Saving money is a good thing and I really am not complaining. I just always need to have $11 on hand because who knows when the next goal is going to be completed.
Some of my goals are fun and light hearted while others are more challenging. I didn't want it to be a list that felt like a chore. I'm right! This list has been fun! Even the challenging ones are fun!
Kind of...
One goal I didn't think I would actually have any problems with is saving 11 dollars for every goal completed. I guess I just assumed the goals wouldn't be completed like BAM BAM BAM! I'm really lucky that because of my job I always have cash on hand but even so handing over $99 in the first 2 months was hard to do! I could have gotten a shirt on clearance, a new coffee mug, a delicious frappe, or something else but off the money went into a envelope marked "Goal List Money".
Saving money is a good thing and I really am not complaining. I just always need to have $11 on hand because who knows when the next goal is going to be completed.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Romantic Getaway
My amazingly sweet boyfriend surprised me with a little romantic getaway for my birthday. I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate. The getaway was just perfect. He kept it all a surprise, which is a little hard to do with me. I don't like surprises all that much! Maybe I'm changing my mind on that. He also has been amazing at trying to knock goals off my 101 in 1001 list. He thought of a few things we could do on this trip but I don't know if he realized that "Go on a romantic getaway with My Love" was a goal on my list! Goal completed!
We went to a tiny little town in Kentucky not far from where we live. It had a cute little Inn. It was full of antiques and had plenty of history behind it. I'd love to just duplicate it and have it as my own house!

It was the PERFECT birthday and romantic getaway. I can't thank my sweet boyfriend enough for doing something so special for me. I'm definitely already loving being twenty-eig AHH I'M OLD already.
It is really hard to get him to take a serious picture.
He is cute so he can get away with that, I suppose.
We went to a tiny little town in Kentucky not far from where we live. It had a cute little Inn. It was full of antiques and had plenty of history behind it. I'd love to just duplicate it and have it as my own house!
Even the key is cute!

One of the goals on my list is to do the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. We have already done the Evan Williams one and on our little getaway we did the Four Roses Distillery! I'm actually not a huge Bourbon fan. My face will give that away. It is really neat to see how it is made and my favorite part, the gift shop!
It was the PERFECT birthday and romantic getaway. I can't thank my sweet boyfriend enough for doing something so special for me. I'm definitely already loving being twenty-
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Enveloped In Love
I think this post should be titled "How To Win Brownie Points With Your Boyfriend" but somehow I don't think that comes off quite so loving sounding. If that was the title I could definitely point you in the right direction because I scored a million brownie points with my boyfriend on a date I planned for him.
Me and the boyfriend usually have Monday Day Dates but this one was a little special. I had the whole day planned out and it was a surprise! I'm bad with surprises so I'm proud I didn't let anything slip. I picked him up early in the morning and wouldn't tell him where we were going. This was a tad difficult to do because he lives in the city and I don't. I only know how to get to certain things in the city like the hospital and the bars. Sometimes I need to go to both of those things in the same night. Just sayin'. Kidding. Kidding.
Along the way I handed him envelopes that had cute little things written inside of them. They all started out with "I love you because..." and they had to do with what we were currently doing. When he held my hand in the car. When he looked at me a certain way. It was all about timing with the envelopes. It worked out perfect. It was such a sweet and simple way to show him how much I love him.
Me and the boyfriend usually have Monday Day Dates but this one was a little special. I had the whole day planned out and it was a surprise! I'm bad with surprises so I'm proud I didn't let anything slip. I picked him up early in the morning and wouldn't tell him where we were going. This was a tad difficult to do because he lives in the city and I don't. I only know how to get to certain things in the city like the hospital and the bars. Sometimes I need to go to both of those things in the same night. Just sayin'. Kidding. Kidding.
Along the way I handed him envelopes that had cute little things written inside of them. They all started out with "I love you because..." and they had to do with what we were currently doing. When he held my hand in the car. When he looked at me a certain way. It was all about timing with the envelopes. It worked out perfect. It was such a sweet and simple way to show him how much I love him.
The envelopes were definitely a key part of the surprise but the destination was special on its own. M has been wanting to go there for awhile now. I brought him to the Big Four Pedestrian Bride in Louisville, KY. You walk across the Ohio river. It is a pretty spectacular view. I knew it would be cold but 45 degrees sounded a lot warmer than the 5 degrees it has been. Who am I kidding? It was still cold and quite icy! It was still special. We walked together and he opened a few more envelopes along the way.
One of the envelopes said "I love you because we go together like peanut butter and jelly". I made him lunch! I made PB&J's and brought a few other goodies along with a big ol' blankey to keep us warm.
It was an amazing Monday Day Date. I'm so happy that I could do something special for M. He is always planning and doing wonderful things for me. He wins the best boyfriend award all the time. I won best girlfriend award on this date.
I know this because he never stopped smiling and what a gorgeous smile he has.
This was a goal on 101 goal list.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Hearts&A Check Mark
It was Valentine's Day. One of my favorite days of the year. The weather wasn't sure if it wanted to cooperate. Marshall, my boyfriend, decided to take me and Gage out to lunch. By going to lunch we definitely avoided the crowds. Seemed like this lunch was going to be a good lunch.
Unfortunately, things started to go bad. We were sat at a high top table in the bar area. My 6 year old child isn't tall enough to reach the seats on his own not to mention it is in the bar area! We get settled. We order. Our food takes forever to get there. We ordered sandwiches and chicken tenders. Our drinks were sitting there empty. When our food got there, mine was not great and I didn't eat it. All in all for me, it wasn't a pleasant dining experience.
Then I remembered what I just posted about the perfect meal. I looked at my 2 boys and decided I was going to enjoy this lunch no matter what. It was Valentine's Day. I had the 2 greatest Valentine's with me. It didn't matter that the service and food were not outstanding. The meal was perfect.
Since, it was Valentine's Day and at this point I'm sure the waitress thought she wasn't going to get a good tip I decided to go ahead and 100% tip her. It is on my 101 goal list to do. Marshall was paying for the actual lunch but I decided since it was my goal I should leave the 100% tip. Luckily, I had exactly that much in cash. Funny how that worked out!
Goal Completed! Woohoo!
Valentine's Day was an adventure for us. It didn't stop there. The whole day brought on more crazy, crazy ,crazy times but it was a wonderful day. I got to spend it with my 2 loves. That is what counts!
Unfortunately, things started to go bad. We were sat at a high top table in the bar area. My 6 year old child isn't tall enough to reach the seats on his own not to mention it is in the bar area! We get settled. We order. Our food takes forever to get there. We ordered sandwiches and chicken tenders. Our drinks were sitting there empty. When our food got there, mine was not great and I didn't eat it. All in all for me, it wasn't a pleasant dining experience.
Then I remembered what I just posted about the perfect meal. I looked at my 2 boys and decided I was going to enjoy this lunch no matter what. It was Valentine's Day. I had the 2 greatest Valentine's with me. It didn't matter that the service and food were not outstanding. The meal was perfect.
Since, it was Valentine's Day and at this point I'm sure the waitress thought she wasn't going to get a good tip I decided to go ahead and 100% tip her. It is on my 101 goal list to do. Marshall was paying for the actual lunch but I decided since it was my goal I should leave the 100% tip. Luckily, I had exactly that much in cash. Funny how that worked out!
Goal Completed! Woohoo!
Valentine's Day was an adventure for us. It didn't stop there. The whole day brought on more crazy, crazy ,crazy times but it was a wonderful day. I got to spend it with my 2 loves. That is what counts!
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Good Deeds
I bought a book/journal awhile ago. It is called One Good Deed A Day. Like the title says it has one good deed a day you can do. The book isn't really set up user friendly, though. There is no way of knowing where a good deed in the book is and if you pick a good deed but you happen to do a different good deed for the day then..well...you're out of luck. One day I am going to figure out to use this book. One day.
Since the book wasn't specifically written for hair stylists that live in Kentucky, the good deed I did is probably not in the book anyway. Maybe I don't need this book after all.
A lady came into the salon. She sat down in my chair and went on for a good 5 minutes about how she loved the last haircut I gave her. I let her talk for the full 5 minutes because I don't mind hearing about how awesome I am. When she finally finished complimenting me she whipped out her phone and told me she had a picture of how she wanted her hair cut this time. This usually isn't a problem. I might not be able to give you the exact cut as in the picture but I can get a pretty good general look of it for you.
My only rule is if the picture you are about to show me on your cellphone is older than any cellphone ever invented then you should just put that thing away. I'm not doing it!
Of course, I don't actually have the option of not doing it because that is a) rude of me and b) I don't own the salon I work in. I am your slave. I will do as you wish even if it is ugly as heck hair from the 1980s.
And that is what she showed me. A picture of her from over 20 years ago with feathered hair that closely resembled Joe Dirt.
And I had to do but I gave her some Meagan style which means I gave her an updated look of that horrific picture she showed me. That is my job. To make you beautiful and somewhat presentable for 2014.
When I was done, she wanted it shorter on the sides. She really wanted a mullet. I'm surrounded by mirrors and I am known for my facial expressions. She saw it right away. She laughed and I laughed. I explained to her that what she wanted was Joe Dirts hair haircut and I don't think that is really a good thing. I'm an honest hair stylist. I then sat down curled her feather crap and teased the top and told her she can still get it to look like Farrah Fawcett.
She liked it. She thanked me for saving her from a bad hair decision.
And that was my good deed for the day.
Since the book wasn't specifically written for hair stylists that live in Kentucky, the good deed I did is probably not in the book anyway. Maybe I don't need this book after all.
A lady came into the salon. She sat down in my chair and went on for a good 5 minutes about how she loved the last haircut I gave her. I let her talk for the full 5 minutes because I don't mind hearing about how awesome I am. When she finally finished complimenting me she whipped out her phone and told me she had a picture of how she wanted her hair cut this time. This usually isn't a problem. I might not be able to give you the exact cut as in the picture but I can get a pretty good general look of it for you.
My only rule is if the picture you are about to show me on your cellphone is older than any cellphone ever invented then you should just put that thing away. I'm not doing it!
Of course, I don't actually have the option of not doing it because that is a) rude of me and b) I don't own the salon I work in. I am your slave. I will do as you wish even if it is ugly as heck hair from the 1980s.
And that is what she showed me. A picture of her from over 20 years ago with feathered hair that closely resembled Joe Dirt.
And I had to do but I gave her some Meagan style which means I gave her an updated look of that horrific picture she showed me. That is my job. To make you beautiful and somewhat presentable for 2014.
When I was done, she wanted it shorter on the sides. She really wanted a mullet. I'm surrounded by mirrors and I am known for my facial expressions. She saw it right away. She laughed and I laughed. I explained to her that what she wanted was Joe Dirts hair haircut and I don't think that is really a good thing. I'm an honest hair stylist. I then sat down curled her feather crap and teased the top and told her she can still get it to look like Farrah Fawcett.
She liked it. She thanked me for saving her from a bad hair decision.
And that was my good deed for the day.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Perfect Meal
The perfect meal has nothing to do with the actual food. The perfect meal doesn't have to take hours to prepare. The perfect meal doesn't mean you have to go out and eat. The perfect meal doesn't mean you have to dress up for it. The perfect meal doesn't even have to be fancy. The perfect meal might be just peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The perfect meal has everything to do with who you are sharing it with. The perfect meal might be most disgusting awful thing in front of you but if the right person was across you or beside you then it wouldn't really matter. The perfect meal might be and could be happening to you every single night.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Reading My Height In Books Part 3
I've been on a historical fiction/non-fiction kick all about the same time period. I've read The Book Thief and now these two below. There are a lot of sadness within the books. Tissues are required.
Night by Ellie Wiesel
I don't even know if it is possible to write a review for this book. It is written by a holocaust survivor. It is about unimaginable brutal events that people should never be capable of doing. It is about faith. It is about love. It is powerful and heartbreaking, I definitely think everyone should read this book if you they haven't already.
War Brides by Helen Bryan
War Brides was a good read. It was hard to get into at first. There are a lot of characters and the author makes long chapters about each and every one before they come together as a group. Once they become a group it was a lot easier to read and keep up with. The ending left me wanting more. It didn't seem like it was suppose to be over. Despite the beginning and the ending, I really loved this book! I finished this book in a day thanks to Gage's bedtime and a slow day at work. My mom is reading it now!
Sunday, February 9, 2014
I Am Good Enough
I thought the weekend would defeat me. I thought it would crush me and I would be a sobbing mess by Monday. I'm not, though. In fact, I almost feel the opposite of that.
I feel strong.
And I feel sad...but not for myself. I feel sad for certain people in my life and others like them.
This weekend I was made to feel less than. Basically, that I was not good enough. That my past defined me. That my present didn't meet their standards. That my future would never amount to much. It wasn't put so blunt but I can read between the lines.
And the one person who should have defended me and supported me...didn't. They faltered. They doubted. They are probably still confused and torn as you are reading this.
Let me tell you something...I am good enough. I deserve to be treated better. I deserve so much better. We all do. You, me, her, him, and them. We all deserve better. No one should EVER be made to feel like I did this weekend.
I have made mistakes. Who hasn't? That is life. You learn from them, you move on, and hope not to repeat them again. My mistakes don't define me. My mistakes are guiding me.
I am the woman who is striving to be a better person every day of her life.
I feel really sad for people who expect everyone to fit in a perfect little mold of what we should be like. They are missing out on so many amazing people. It really hurts me to the depths of my soul that there are people that have the appearance of being good, loving, and righteous but they have no room in their hearts for anything that is different.
I feel really sad for the people who just follow in their footsteps without questioning.
You know who I don't feel sorry for? Me. I am Meagan. The mother of Gage. The hair stylist. The woman who at almost 28 still lives with her parents. The payer of her own bills. The book lover. The shopping enthusiast. The best friend. The listener. The woman who wants to go to church but never does. The strong one. The weak one. The supportive one. The loyal one. The person who forgot it was your birthday. The random gift giver. The tickler of tiny toes. The mommy who is sorry she yelled at you. The movie watcher. The reality TV junkie. The car singer. The dress wearer. The sock hater. The caring one. The person with a good heart.
The person is so much more than she could ever list.
I am Meagan. I will always be Meagan. I've never pretended to be anyone else. I keep it real.
My life isn't always perfect. Things might not always turn out the way I want it to. I might stumble from time to time.
My life is lovely, though. Every mistake. Every blessing. It is mine.
I am good enough.
I feel strong.
And I feel sad...but not for myself. I feel sad for certain people in my life and others like them.
This weekend I was made to feel less than. Basically, that I was not good enough. That my past defined me. That my present didn't meet their standards. That my future would never amount to much. It wasn't put so blunt but I can read between the lines.
And the one person who should have defended me and supported me...didn't. They faltered. They doubted. They are probably still confused and torn as you are reading this.
Let me tell you something...I am good enough. I deserve to be treated better. I deserve so much better. We all do. You, me, her, him, and them. We all deserve better. No one should EVER be made to feel like I did this weekend.
I have made mistakes. Who hasn't? That is life. You learn from them, you move on, and hope not to repeat them again. My mistakes don't define me. My mistakes are guiding me.
I am the woman who is striving to be a better person every day of her life.
I feel really sad for people who expect everyone to fit in a perfect little mold of what we should be like. They are missing out on so many amazing people. It really hurts me to the depths of my soul that there are people that have the appearance of being good, loving, and righteous but they have no room in their hearts for anything that is different.
I feel really sad for the people who just follow in their footsteps without questioning.
You know who I don't feel sorry for? Me. I am Meagan. The mother of Gage. The hair stylist. The woman who at almost 28 still lives with her parents. The payer of her own bills. The book lover. The shopping enthusiast. The best friend. The listener. The woman who wants to go to church but never does. The strong one. The weak one. The supportive one. The loyal one. The person who forgot it was your birthday. The random gift giver. The tickler of tiny toes. The mommy who is sorry she yelled at you. The movie watcher. The reality TV junkie. The car singer. The dress wearer. The sock hater. The caring one. The person with a good heart.
The person is so much more than she could ever list.
I am Meagan. I will always be Meagan. I've never pretended to be anyone else. I keep it real.
My life isn't always perfect. Things might not always turn out the way I want it to. I might stumble from time to time.
My life is lovely, though. Every mistake. Every blessing. It is mine.
I am good enough.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Don't Be A Joy Sucker
I love Valentine's Day. Love it so much I would marry it. I love Valentine's Day even if I'm not in a relationship. It doesn't change anything for it. This day is about love. I'm going to love my son, my parents, my coworkers, my friends, the mailman, the gas station worker and this year I really do get to love my boyfriend on this day!
This day is just about love.
There will never be any boycotting this lovely holiday ever. I will never understand that. Never. Peoples biggest comment is "you shouldn't just show love on one day.". Who ever said you are just showing it on one day? I'm full of love every day for the people in my life. This day just makes it sweet and fun. Why do you celebrate Halloween? Present giving at Christmas? Egg hunting on Easter? It gives us JOY!
Don't be a joy sucker!
Celebrate Valentine's Day!
With all that being said let me tell you about Valentine's Day! I have been a crafting fool today. Kid crafts, card making, boyfriend crafts, parents craft. Every one is getting something crafted and they are going to like it!
7 More days until Valentine's Day!
This is my Valentine's Day jaaaam.
That and Marvin Gaye.

Thursday, February 6, 2014
The Long And Short Of It
I have been growing my hair out for the past 4 years. Think Victoria Beckham and that is how short my hair was. It wasn't intentionally done that way.The girl cutting my hair made one side shorter than the other by a lot. I had no choice but to cut the other side off and give it some style. No worries. The girl cutting my hair wasn't harmed during any of this. I stayed pretty calm.
I don't think I have any pictures from that hair era but here I am about a year out from that cut. Still pretty short in my book.
and 3 years after that picture I feel like my hair is never growing. It will never be long enough.
I went from the girl who didn't really care that you accidentally cut all her hair off to the girl who will throw a fit if you cut more than an inch off at a time.
I feel like it is such a big deal now that my hair is longer that it is expected to stay long. I really think the people in my life might be absolutely shocked if I one day I had long hair and then next it was short.
And yet I keep playing with this idea.
But talking myself out of it because it took forever for me to grow it out.
Is there anything(not immoral or controversial) that if you did it, people would be shocked?
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Silly Faces
Silly faces in crowded places
Make pretty smiles as big as a child's
Silly faces in crowded places
Makes loud laughter as we keep making faces after
Silly faces in crowded places
Makes this place brighter and our hearts lighter
Monday, February 3, 2014
101 Rewards
I was doing a little thinking about my 101 in 1001 goal list. I really like the idea of it. I'm still excited to get things done on it. However, a question popped into my head and that is "Should I reward myself when I have completed the list or a certain amount of goals?". I think that idea if rewarding myself sounds really fun and exciting as much as the list is fun and exciting!
The more I thought about it, though, the more it came to me that the goal list in itself is a reward! How amazing is that?! I don't think I need a reward for completing any of these goals. They are rewards on their own already.
Plus, at the end of the goal list I will have saved $1,111 and that is a lot! I can do quite bit with that much. Vacation? Clothes shopping spree? Donation to the Arthritis Foundation? Or even one of the goals on my list is to donate to someone else's charity of choice.
I have some time to think about it some more. I've only completed 3 goals. Many more to go!
The more I thought about it, though, the more it came to me that the goal list in itself is a reward! How amazing is that?! I don't think I need a reward for completing any of these goals. They are rewards on their own already.
Plus, at the end of the goal list I will have saved $1,111 and that is a lot! I can do quite bit with that much. Vacation? Clothes shopping spree? Donation to the Arthritis Foundation? Or even one of the goals on my list is to donate to someone else's charity of choice.
I have some time to think about it some more. I've only completed 3 goals. Many more to go!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
30 things I'm Thankful And It Isn't Even November
Around Thanksgiving everyone was writing about what they were thankful for. I think that is great. Go on with your thankful self. I read a few things from people(the haters of the world) that talked about how people gripe and gripe and all year and they are only thankful for things one month out of the year. So, when those comments are made this year in November I am going to pull up this post and say "Nuh uh. I was even thankful in January!".
1. My little man
Biggest blessing in my life. One smile, One kiss, One hug and he melts my worries of the day away.
2. My parents
My parents are always there to help and support me. I don't know where I would be without them.
3. My Love
He is an amazing man. He has a big heart and he loves me with it.
5. My best friends
When we say BFF we really do mean forever.
6. My coworkers
6. Owning a car
7. The roof over my head
8. A warm bed at night
When you hear a story about how people are cuddled up next to on the floor, in the cold, and possibly even outside, a bed seems like a blessing.
9. My job
10. Good health
I haven't had health insurance in 5 years. I'm thankful nothing major has happened to me and I'm thankful for getting health insurance that starts next week!
11. Symptom free months for Gage
My little man has a disease that can wreak havoc on his body. He started a new medicine and has been symptom free for 6 months now.
12. Water
Drinking. Showering. Washing clothes and dishes. Wow. It is hard to imagine that there are people who don't have it.
13. Food on the table
Again. When you think about people being hungry. Just said.
14. Money in the bank
15. Freedom to worship or to not worship
16. My days off of work
Spending time with the people I love and sleeping. Joys of life.
17. My cats
18. Ability to read
19. Books
20. Waking up today
Hallelujah. Amen.
21. My eyesight
22. Music
23. The military
My dad was in the Army for 28 years. I'm thankful for people like him.
24. My hands
Without my hands I couldn't do my job. My hands are precious.
25. Laughter
Serenading me through life.
26. Living near a big(ish) city
27. The invention of GPS.
28. Looking forward to things
I'm planning a vacation and had the thought that I'm extremely lucky that I have things like vacation to look forward to.
29. Nature
30. Kindness
30 things I'm Thankful And It Isn't Even November
1. My little man
Biggest blessing in my life. One smile, One kiss, One hug and he melts my worries of the day away.
2. My parents
My parents are always there to help and support me. I don't know where I would be without them.
3. My Love
He is an amazing man. He has a big heart and he loves me with it.
5. My best friends
When we say BFF we really do mean forever.
6. My coworkers
6. Owning a car
7. The roof over my head
8. A warm bed at night
When you hear a story about how people are cuddled up next to on the floor, in the cold, and possibly even outside, a bed seems like a blessing.
9. My job
10. Good health
I haven't had health insurance in 5 years. I'm thankful nothing major has happened to me and I'm thankful for getting health insurance that starts next week!
11. Symptom free months for Gage
My little man has a disease that can wreak havoc on his body. He started a new medicine and has been symptom free for 6 months now.
12. Water
Drinking. Showering. Washing clothes and dishes. Wow. It is hard to imagine that there are people who don't have it.
13. Food on the table
Again. When you think about people being hungry. Just said.
14. Money in the bank
15. Freedom to worship or to not worship
16. My days off of work
Spending time with the people I love and sleeping. Joys of life.
17. My cats
18. Ability to read
19. Books
20. Waking up today
Hallelujah. Amen.
21. My eyesight
22. Music
23. The military
My dad was in the Army for 28 years. I'm thankful for people like him.
24. My hands
Without my hands I couldn't do my job. My hands are precious.
25. Laughter
Serenading me through life.
26. Living near a big(ish) city
27. The invention of GPS.
28. Looking forward to things
I'm planning a vacation and had the thought that I'm extremely lucky that I have things like vacation to look forward to.
29. Nature
30. Kindness
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Candy Quarters
While, me and the little man were shopping in the mall we passed a bunch of candy machines. I dug in my purse for some quarters. I handed them to Gage and told him to them on top of the machines. I only had 4 quarters. He put 3 on the machines and got a piece of candy for himself.
About a hour later we walked back by and one of the quarters was gone! I hope someone enjoyed their candy! It was pretty exciting to leave the quarters and come back and see if they were gone. Gage loved it. We hoped we brightened someone's day!
*This was a goal in my 101 in 1001 days list.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
10 Ways To Survive A LDR Or At Least How I Did It
10 Ways To Survive A LDR(Long Distance Relationship)
Or At Least How I Did It
1. Love Letters. I didn't actually snail mail him because most of the time he was on the go but love lettered in the email way to him. He love lettered me right back. It was fun and cute to wake up to them because of the time difference and when we were on the same time it was still just amazing to get them. He sent postcards of the places he went to so that was a plus, too. It was romantic.
2. Trust. My advice is no matter what trust in the other person. Don't doubt them. They love you and they want to be in this with you otherwise they just wouldn't be. Who has a LDR for fun? No one.
3. Skype. Oh, his face. His sweet handsome face. Skype made it possible to see it quite often! Our favorite was falling asleep to each other on skype. It was wonderful. Make skype your best friend.
4. Read a book together. I promise this isn't as boring as it sounds. We read Gone Girl at the same time. We also tried to read The Beautiful And The Damned but I don't think either of us finished it. It was really fun reading a book at the same time. We talked about it while we were reading it and even after. Gone Girl is going to be a movie so we are excited to see it together!
5. Buy a questions book. I bought 4,000 questions to getting to know anyone and everyone . We just went randomly through the book and ask the questions. We really got to know a lot about each other that we might not have ever known if not for this! It was a lot of fun and made us feel closer.
6. Set a time to talk. When we were on different time zones he had to got up hours before he had to go to work to talk to me. I sacrificed a little sleep as well. It was special and important knowing we were making time for each other. It doesn't have to be skype. We used gmail chat and facebook on the non skype days.
7. I love you's. Never let the other person forget how much you love them. Tell them every day. Tell them a 100 times a day. Scream it. Shout it. However you do it just do it.
8. Pictures. When you FINALLY get a chance to see other. Take a lot of pictures. I felt so much more at peace with the situation when I had pictures of us to look at. They brought back memories and made me think about the memories we were going to make when we saw each other again.
9. Date nights. This might seem weird because you are long distance but having date nights with each other is fun. We were always suppose to watch the same movie at the same time but we never ended up doing that. We got busy talking and the hours went by every time. We had some amazing date nights.
10. The struggle makes you stronger. I had this in the back of my mind the whole time. Being in a LDR makes your relationship grow leaps and bounds. More than you could imagine. You have to fight everyday to be in a relationship that isn't easy. Trust, loyalty, honesty, and respect will be the values your relationship is based on. Those sound like pretty solid things, right?
After almost a year of my long distance relationship has come to a close. He is home. Hopefully for good but I know we could survive distance if it needed to happen again. It has been quite a journey. An adventure all around. Now we are on to the next chapter: How to survive being around each other all the time. It will be quite an adjustment but I'm sure we can handle it!
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Saturday Style
I got my nails did. I always feel like a cute lil thang when I get them done. I just get the french shellac manicure. It is a pretty classic look. I have to shellac my nails because of how much I use my hands at work. They are always in water, chemicals, and a other hair stylist tools. The shellac makes me have pretty nails for almost 2 weeks as oppose to regular polish that would be gone by the end of the day.
My boo thang comes home from South America in a few days. This weekend I'm going to do a lot of pamperin' and gettin' all purdy for him. I see a deep conditionin', leg shavin', toenail polishin', purple shampooin', and facial-in' in my future this weekend!
Bring it on!
Friday, January 24, 2014
Love Lettering
Love Lettering
I'm love lettering you because I love you
I love when your hair falls in your face
I love you when you act stubborn and you know you do
And I love you even when you need your space
I'm love lettering you because you make me happy
I love it when you bring me a yellow flower
I love you even if you think this is sappy
And I love the days I see you even if it just a hour
I'm love lettering you because you are wonderful
I love you because you're smart
I love that you make life less dull
And I love you because you have a big heart
I'm love lettering you because who doesn't like love letters?
I love you
I love that things are only going to get better.
And I love that I know you love me, too.
As I was writing this silly little poem at work a song was stuck in my head. A really random song. I don't know how it got there but it hasn't left.
Skidamarink a-dink, a-dink
Skidamarink a-do
I love you
I love you in the morning
and in the afternoon
I love you in the evening
and underneath the moon
#backthatazz up to this song.
Skeet. Skeet.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
A Day Of Warm Weather And Dino Hunting
I feel like winter is never going to end. Do I feel like this every year? Probably. The fall of the year is my favorite time of year but you won't hear any complaints from me when spring and summer finally hit. It has been so cold this. A few little spurts of snow but nothing major in that department.
When this past Monday came about, it was so beautiful outside! It was still cold but the sun was shining and it didn't feel that bad outside. We have been cooped up in the house for so long we decided to take advantage of the amazing weather and head outside.
After playing with Gage's new outside toys he got at Christmas we decided to on an adventure. Gage decided that we were going to go look for dinosaurs because that is what 6 year old little boys do. So, exploring we went with a field journal, a pen, and a camera strapped around my neck.
When this past Monday came about, it was so beautiful outside! It was still cold but the sun was shining and it didn't feel that bad outside. We have been cooped up in the house for so long we decided to take advantage of the amazing weather and head outside.
After playing with Gage's new outside toys he got at Christmas we decided to on an adventure. Gage decided that we were going to go look for dinosaurs because that is what 6 year old little boys do. So, exploring we went with a field journal, a pen, and a camera strapped around my neck.
"Mama, just take the picture already! I got dino's to hunt!"
This, apparently, is where dino's are held captive but we just missed them.
A dino must have trampled this gate!
This fence must keep the dino's enclosed. They have to be around somewhere!
I'm sad to report that no dinosaurs were found on our adventure. We took plenty of notes in the field journal and can't wait to back out when it is warm again. The day after this the weather turned cold again and isn't expected to get warm for awhile!
The dino hunting is to be continued...
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Reading My Height In Books Part 2
I read 3 books last week. One was a easy enjoyable read. One was a book I didn't even want to finish reading. The other was really long and took most of the week to finish. I didn't take a picture but I think I finally read enough books to make it the size of my head. I'm getting closer to reading my height in books.
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
My Review: I didn't like it at all. I really didn't even want to finish it. He wrote in circles the whole book. In one chapter he said this and the next he went back over it but had a different take. It was awful. He describes most Christians as being "lukewarm". That might be a true statement. No one wants to admit that they are lukewarm but I am. I fall in that category and I would like to change that. This is the wrong book to get me inspired to do that. It was far from inspirational. I felt like through the whole book he was saying "LOOK HOW GOOD I AM. IF YOU DON'T LOVE GOD EXACTLY THE SAME WAY AS ME YOU ARE GOING TO HELL". It just didn't sit well with me. I probably could write a whole post about this book but there are already plenty of them out there.
Hollow City by Ransom Riggs
My review: Ahh! I preordered this book and was so excited when I got it. I absolutely loved the first novel. I loved the 2nd one just as much. I couldn't put it down. I finished it in a day. The pictures in this book are amazing. It really gets your imagination going. It is about children who are "peculiar". They have/can do special things and they've been hidden away for years. The first book tells that story. The 2nd book is them finally leaving their hidden island and going out in the world to help other peculiars and the one's who look after them. The story line was great. The plot twist was shocking and I didn't see it coming! These novels are really something special.
The Shadow Of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
My review: My coworker really wanted me to read this. It was one of her favorite books. It was a very long read. I think it took me almost 4 days to read it. It was wo
rth it. This is a pretty magical book. It is about a special book, too! The boy in the book picked this book and was told to guard it for the rest of his life so it would never be forgotten. The book brought on a great mystery and the characters tried to solve it for years. They were trying to figure our what happened to the author and why was someone trying to burn all the authors books. The book definitely kept me hook. I don't think it ever got boring to me. It was a great book. I look forward to reading more of Carlos Zafon's books!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Not My Scene
I leaned against the bar and sipped on my Sam Adams. Trying to take in the scene around me. I didn't know what I was getting into. I won tickets to see a very different type of music than I usually go see. I decided to go anyway and by myself at that. The people that were pouring into the venue were quite different themselves. They were wearing belly dancing like outfits with glowy light sticks twirling around them. I wondered where their jackets were as it is only 30 degrees outside and I was cold in my tissue thin turtle neck from JCrew and my lace printed leggings from Anthropologie.
He threw a smile at me like I wasn't a stranger and I'm not a stranger to him at all. I haven't seen him in almost a year. I've barely spoken to him in that year as well. He left his perch by the bar and walked over to me on my end of the bar and just casually said hi while flashing yet another smile. He tried to small talk with me but his eyes said something completely different. I knew I was in trouble. Not in a dangerous trouble in the way that he was going to hurt me. It was in a flirty way with intentions of wanting more from me tonight. Things may be bad with my love right now. I don't know what's going to happen between us but I knew that nothing can happen with this dirty blond headed boy beside me because my heart definitely belongs to someone else.
I decided I need to clear my head. I walked outside to get some air. All around the people were talking to their friends while smoking and they were having the time of their life. I was just feeling uncomfortable and more uncomfortable they were talking about drugs doing ecstasy and shrooms and many more things that I have no clue about. I don't do drugs. The headliner hadn't even performed yet. I had only seen 2 opening acts but I was done. The scene around me was definitely not my scene.
Without going back inside to say goodbye to my old friend I just walked across the parking lot, got in my car, and started to drive home. I was uncomfortable and I left uncomfortable situation. My heart just knew that that wasn't the place for me to be at.
It's really good to branch out sometimes, learn different things and experience new things, but sometimes the new thing just isn't the thing for you and sometimes even the old thing is really not for you either.
The people watching was definitely amusing. If nothing else I was entertained by that. I looked over to my left and there he was leaned against the bar sipping on his bourbon. I've seen him in this exact position doing the exact thing many times before. He had this cool way about him. It might be his shaggy dirty blonde hair almost covering his eyes and his long legs crossed at the ankles. He just looked comfortable by himself leaning against the bar. I just looked awkward doing the same thing.
He threw a smile at me like I wasn't a stranger and I'm not a stranger to him at all. I haven't seen him in almost a year. I've barely spoken to him in that year as well. He left his perch by the bar and walked over to me on my end of the bar and just casually said hi while flashing yet another smile. He tried to small talk with me but his eyes said something completely different. I knew I was in trouble. Not in a dangerous trouble in the way that he was going to hurt me. It was in a flirty way with intentions of wanting more from me tonight. Things may be bad with my love right now. I don't know what's going to happen between us but I knew that nothing can happen with this dirty blond headed boy beside me because my heart definitely belongs to someone else.
I decided I need to clear my head. I walked outside to get some air. All around the people were talking to their friends while smoking and they were having the time of their life. I was just feeling uncomfortable and more uncomfortable they were talking about drugs doing ecstasy and shrooms and many more things that I have no clue about. I don't do drugs. The headliner hadn't even performed yet. I had only seen 2 opening acts but I was done. The scene around me was definitely not my scene.
Without going back inside to say goodbye to my old friend I just walked across the parking lot, got in my car, and started to drive home. I was uncomfortable and I left uncomfortable situation. My heart just knew that that wasn't the place for me to be at.
It's really good to branch out sometimes, learn different things and experience new things, but sometimes the new thing just isn't the thing for you and sometimes even the old thing is really not for you either.
Monday, January 20, 2014
1 week
In a week My Love will be home. I've missed this man so much and I can't wait to see him.
It has been a very long 6/7 weeks. It really does feel like he has been gone so much longer. At times my heart ached because I miss him so much. That could be because when he was home he was only here for a few weeks where we didn't get to spend nearly enough time with each other. It feels like a dream now. The memories are starting to fade. I'm starting to forget that special way he looked at me. The way we held when we were driving around. Our Monday Day Dates. I'm excited to bring all of these back and make plenty of more memories with him.
It has been a challenging 6/7 weeks since he has been gone. There were plenty of highs for us but we have had a lot of problems. Some trust was broken. Doubts were put in our minds. It was decided last week to just be on a break from each other. As if the miles between us weren't enough. This break is suppose to give us time to clear our heads and reexamine if our love is enough to make things work between us. I know it is. My heart doesn't want it to be any other way. I'm not giving up.
I really do love this man. I know he loves me. Everything is going to be okay.
1 week!
I'm so excited.
It has been a very long 6/7 weeks. It really does feel like he has been gone so much longer. At times my heart ached because I miss him so much. That could be because when he was home he was only here for a few weeks where we didn't get to spend nearly enough time with each other. It feels like a dream now. The memories are starting to fade. I'm starting to forget that special way he looked at me. The way we held when we were driving around. Our Monday Day Dates. I'm excited to bring all of these back and make plenty of more memories with him.
It has been a challenging 6/7 weeks since he has been gone. There were plenty of highs for us but we have had a lot of problems. Some trust was broken. Doubts were put in our minds. It was decided last week to just be on a break from each other. As if the miles between us weren't enough. This break is suppose to give us time to clear our heads and reexamine if our love is enough to make things work between us. I know it is. My heart doesn't want it to be any other way. I'm not giving up.
I really do love this man. I know he loves me. Everything is going to be okay.
1 week!
I'm so excited.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Saturday Style
Last Saturday I wore a dress to work and it started something I didn't even planned on doing. It started a goal from my 101 in 1001 list. To wear a dress/skirt everyday for 2 weeks. I didn't know when I was going to actually do the goal. I guess now is as good as a time as ever, right? The first week was pretty easy peasy.
I wanted to do this for a bunch of reasons. I really need to weed out the undesirables in my closet. Also, because I love dresses and skirts. They make me feel purdy.
I have run into a few problems with this fun little goal.
1. I have no clue how I am going to pull of 4 more outfits for work. I might have one or two more dresses/skirts in my closet that are black. I might have to just restyle one of these gems pictured.
2. Why am I doing this in the Winter? It is so cold outside! As you can see in the last picture I threw on some leggings, a stripey dress, and my gap hoodie. It was just too cold(and snowy) to even try to look cute. Believe it or not I left the house looking like that! And a lot of my dresses are for the warmer months. They aren't going to get touched. I might have to do this goal twice!
It wouldn't be a goal if it wasn't challenging, I suppose.
Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.
Or in my case Just keep dressin'
Friday, January 17, 2014
Beautifying The World
I wonder how many people actually do what they wanted to do as a career when they grew up. I wanted to be a rodeo cowgirl but then realized that rodeos actually smell really bad. I wanted to be famous singer but I don't sing that well and I am terribly shy. I wanted to be a teacher but dropped out of college. I wanted to be...
a hair stylist?
No. That thought never crossed my mind growing up. That is what I am and I love it.
Last night at work the phone rang and I answered. It was the last customer that I had in my chair. It was my first time doing this customer but she was a regular and I knew she was very picky. A nervous feeling went through my whole body. Phone calls like this can go either way. They hate what I've created or...they love it.
She loved it.
That is the best part of my job. When someone loves how I made them look. A phone call is not always needed. A look on their face when they see the finished result is usually all I need.
I make people feel beautiful or handsome. People leave me and they feel like a million bucks. People leave me and they feel like they can conquer the world!...Ok, that might be a bit of a stretch but I hope they do! I make people feel good about themselves and that really is lovely. It really is a great feeling that runs through my body and fills me with joy!

a hair stylist?
No. That thought never crossed my mind growing up. That is what I am and I love it.
Last night at work the phone rang and I answered. It was the last customer that I had in my chair. It was my first time doing this customer but she was a regular and I knew she was very picky. A nervous feeling went through my whole body. Phone calls like this can go either way. They hate what I've created or...they love it.
She loved it.
That is the best part of my job. When someone loves how I made them look. A phone call is not always needed. A look on their face when they see the finished result is usually all I need.
I make people feel beautiful or handsome. People leave me and they feel like a million bucks. People leave me and they feel like they can conquer the world!...Ok, that might be a bit of a stretch but I hope they do! I make people feel good about themselves and that really is lovely. It really is a great feeling that runs through my body and fills me with joy!
If I'm not a 10 I'm a 9.9 and don't you forget that.
Luke Bryan is in concert around here tonight. I'm a little sad. I want to be singing at the top of my lungs and swaying my hips to him. Oh, heck. Who am I kidding? I don't need to be at the concert to do that!

Thursday, January 16, 2014
The Sunrise That Got Away
A coworker joked around with me about how I am not a morning person. I don't think I'm very unpleasant in the morning. Maybe I am. I hope not terribly so. It might have something to do with me coming to work with no make-up and my hair not brushed on more than a few occasions. No worries. I have the luxury of doing those things there. By the time I usually see faces other than my coworkers I am pretty presentable. I would say it could be because I'm always almost late but that isn't true. I like to be early and I'm always the first one at work, coffee made, and the opening tasks already done.
I actually have no idea where she gets the idea that I'm not a morning person but she is right. I am not.
One of my goals on my 101 in 1001 list is to take a picture of the sunrise. I made this goal for two reasons. The first being I really need to pick up my camera and start shooting again. It has been too long and my camera never use to be out of arms reach. The second being because I rarely get to see a sunrise. If for some reason I am seeing a sunrise I'm sure I'm in no state to notice the breathtaking event happening. It was probably a good night, though.
I want to capture a sunrise.
And this is a story on how I almost did it. Almost being the key word.
It was really early in the morning. The time when sunrises usually happen. Possibly a little after but still early enough that it was barely peaking through the sky. I had a few errands to run before work one day. It must have been important because that never happens. I'm usually never out of my door before exactly when I need to be. Just by chance I had my polaroid camera in a tote bag that was slung over my shoulder as I walked to my car. I started to open my car door when I turned slightly and noticed the sky and the gorgeous color it had. I'm surrounded by trees where I live and that just added to the beauty that I was witnessing. A soft orange color meeting the hazy morning blue color of the sky. It was mingled low in the trees. Beautiful, I tell you and as about as close to a sunrise that I have ever been.
I whipped out my polaroid. I knew wouldn't capture the details as well as my 7d but it would have to do. If anything I could remember this moment and feel inspired to capture another sunrise again soon. I snapped my first photo and out popped the picture from the side. I thought I'd better go ahead and snap another just to be safe I had a good picture. Snap, and out it popped. I put the polaroid back in my tote bag, climbed in my car, and drove off.
It was that easy! I did it! I captured my first sunrise!
Or so I thought.
I looked down at the snapshots on the passenger seat and I could have cried. The pictures were just white. Blank. Nothing. Nada. Zip. There was nothing. There was no picture of a sunrise on either one.
What happened? I somehow moved a setting on a camera that wasn't meant to work in the light I was trying to use. Sad but it happens. It especially happens to a girl who has forgotten all about her cameras for the better part of a year.
And that is my story on how I almost captured a sunrise.
Better luck next time.
I actually have no idea where she gets the idea that I'm not a morning person but she is right. I am not.
One of my goals on my 101 in 1001 list is to take a picture of the sunrise. I made this goal for two reasons. The first being I really need to pick up my camera and start shooting again. It has been too long and my camera never use to be out of arms reach. The second being because I rarely get to see a sunrise. If for some reason I am seeing a sunrise I'm sure I'm in no state to notice the breathtaking event happening. It was probably a good night, though.
I want to capture a sunrise.
And this is a story on how I almost did it. Almost being the key word.
It was really early in the morning. The time when sunrises usually happen. Possibly a little after but still early enough that it was barely peaking through the sky. I had a few errands to run before work one day. It must have been important because that never happens. I'm usually never out of my door before exactly when I need to be. Just by chance I had my polaroid camera in a tote bag that was slung over my shoulder as I walked to my car. I started to open my car door when I turned slightly and noticed the sky and the gorgeous color it had. I'm surrounded by trees where I live and that just added to the beauty that I was witnessing. A soft orange color meeting the hazy morning blue color of the sky. It was mingled low in the trees. Beautiful, I tell you and as about as close to a sunrise that I have ever been.
I whipped out my polaroid. I knew wouldn't capture the details as well as my 7d but it would have to do. If anything I could remember this moment and feel inspired to capture another sunrise again soon. I snapped my first photo and out popped the picture from the side. I thought I'd better go ahead and snap another just to be safe I had a good picture. Snap, and out it popped. I put the polaroid back in my tote bag, climbed in my car, and drove off.
It was that easy! I did it! I captured my first sunrise!
Or so I thought.
I looked down at the snapshots on the passenger seat and I could have cried. The pictures were just white. Blank. Nothing. Nada. Zip. There was nothing. There was no picture of a sunrise on either one.
What happened? I somehow moved a setting on a camera that wasn't meant to work in the light I was trying to use. Sad but it happens. It especially happens to a girl who has forgotten all about her cameras for the better part of a year.
And that is my story on how I almost captured a sunrise.
Better luck next time.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
An Ugly Cry Or Not
The tears started falling down my cheeks. They were slow at first but now they are flowing in a steady stream. My make-up was starting to ruin. My eyeliner was joining in the river of tears and my mascara was clouding my eyes. I just want to scream and let it out. I was starting to look like one big mess.
You would think I was in midst of a sad ugly cry but that is not the case...
I just waxed my eyebrows.
And it hurt.
And now I'm plucking my eyebrows and it hurts even worse.
It is said that "Beauty is pain". I can absolutely vouch for this. My eyebrows look so much better but the freshly waxed and plucked places are red and irritated and in some serious need of milk or aloe vera. Just give it a hour and I won't see or feel as bad as I do now...until next month when I get to do it again!
You would think I was in midst of a sad ugly cry but that is not the case...
I just waxed my eyebrows.
And it hurt.
And now I'm plucking my eyebrows and it hurts even worse.
It is said that "Beauty is pain". I can absolutely vouch for this. My eyebrows look so much better but the freshly waxed and plucked places are red and irritated and in some serious need of milk or aloe vera. Just give it a hour and I won't see or feel as bad as I do now...until next month when I get to do it again!
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